Yin Yoga & Massage Workshop, Session 1


Yin Yoga & Massage Workshop


For those of you who need a deeply restorative afternoon that will keep you relaxed for weeks after... A very special Yin Yoga practise led by Fiona and assisted throughout by trained therapists (Joey and Erica); with the added benefit of continuous therapeutic hands-on adjusts and relaxing massage techniques, this is a truly luxurious total body work-in!

Allow yourself to let go of what doesn't serve you, sink deeper into poses and release layers of built-up tension effortlessly. Heighten your experience and expand your state of relaxation & BLISS!

Expect slow, soothing instruction into grounded positions, with longer holding times and a focus on common problematic areas of tension -leaving you to feel connected, de-stressed, nurtured and thoroughly revived.

Suitable for all levels and conditions. Space is limited to ensure an indulgent experience for each individual. Book early to avoid disappointment & treat yourself!

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